
The Farm Book

We have officially ended Theme 8 in our reading series  - "Down on the Farm". The kids LOVE this theme, which is why it is always one of my favorites!

For this theme, the students each made their own farm books!  The students became the author's of a great book that was all theirs. Everyday, the students created a new page, they cut and pasted their farm animals, and wrote a sentence. Check it out...

Day 1 - the cover page

Day 2 - the sheep

Day 3 - the rooster

Day 4 - the cow

Day 5 - the horse

Day 6 - the pig

I can honestly say - My students adore this activity. To create their own book, be able to take it home, and have ownership of it is really special. They became authors and illustrators, story tellers and narrators, and most importantly - they had fun.

It is possible to have fun and learn all at the same time, that is what we are doing everyday here :)

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